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AeExpressions Encrypter (After Effects Script)


After Effects AeExpressions Encrypter (Script)

The Must-Have Tool if You're Selling Templates or Want To Protect Your IP

Works on non-English Installations of After Effects V22 and newer.

Now, you can Encrypt the Expressions in your AE Templates, MoGRTs and standard AEPs when you make them available for sale or share them with clients. It's about protecting your IP and having peace of mind.

Keyframing and adjusting property controls work as expected after encryption. What cannot be done, or cannot be done without hacking and lots of effort is the ability to re-engineer your Expressions and hence, your project.

This After Effects Script intelligently and automatically encrypts your Expressions and does it all without having to leave After Effects.

This used to be a tedious and meticulous task; done one Expression at a time and doing it outside of After Effects and then returning to After Effects to apply the encrypted Expression. And if you've ever done this before, it's a painful process and which occasionally involves human error too.

You can batch process Selected Compositions in the Project Panel, Selected Layers in a Timeline and Selected Properties in a Timeline.

Add a Minification process to make your Expressions look leaner and more professional.


  • Select Minimum and Maximum Encryption Characters
  • Selectable Character Sets for Encryption
  • Use a Custom Character Set
  • Add Minification Process
  • Apply to Locked/Shy/Off Layers
  • Apply to Locked Masks
  • Hover Tool Tips
  • Built-In Help
  • Help PDF

Works with ExpressionsUniversalizer regardless of which is used first.

NOTE - ensure you create a backup copy of your Composition (or AEP) before using AeEpression Encrypter. While AE's Undo feature works with this script, you always want access to a Clean AEP, from which to make updates in the future.

NOTE - This encryption is not hacker-level encryption and is designed to protect your Expressions from the majority of users out there - not from professional hackers.

OnderK - This is a great tool for protecting your expressions.

Kevin Snyder - The Minify options are so great. Being able to condense the expression makes it so tidy. Great job.

CS - 여담으로, 익스프레션은 소스코드가 100% 노출되기 때문에 익스프레션을 완벽하게 보호하는 것은 불가능합니다. 다만, 익스프레션을 짜는 입장에서 본인이 노력하여 만든 익스프레션이 다른 사람에게 보이지 않았으면 하는 것은 당연한 행동이므로, 완벽하게 보호되지 않더라도 보호하기 위한 시도하는 것은 너무 당연한 행동이라고 생각합니다. 만약 보호하고 싶은 사람이 있다면 이런 스크립트를 구매해봐도 좋다고 생각해요. 세상이 워낙 발전해서 "그거 뭐하러 암호화하냐 어차피 다 풀린다" 라고 이야기하며 나무라는 사람들이 제가 프리셋 판매를 할 때도 가끔 보이더군요. 저도 몰라서 하는게 아닙니다.. 이러한 암호화는 완벽하게 암호화하기 위한 시도라기 보다 조금의 인원이라도 좋으니 제 익스프레션을 함부로 복사하지 못하게 하기 위해서 하는 행동입니다..

Requires After Effects Version 22 or Newer.

Compatible with Expressions Universalizer. Best to run this after running Expressions Universalizer.

Non-English Installed Versions of After Effects. I'm doing additional tests on this. I will provide clear note on this as soon as I can.

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After Effects script - Encrypt Expressions - batch process Compositions, Layers and Properties

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